Solar power direct to your home

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What is on grid solar?

On grid solar integrates solar panels and a solar inverter into your home power. Solar panels use an array of crystalline silicon solar cells to convert the sun’s photon energy into DC power. The inverter converts the DC power into 230V AC power to be used in your home.

When generating energy with on grid solar, the solar energy is used first by any active loads within the house. Excess energy is exported to the grid through a bidirectional meter so you can be paid for the energy you produce by your energy provider. This excess energy is paid out at 8.8c per kW/h.

To make the most of on grid solar it is a good idea to shift your loads to the peak solar production times (midday). This may mean setting a timer on loads such as washers and dryers to use the energy before it is exported.

Powercom Solar are your local Tasmanian solar experts with over 15 years of experience and over a thousand installations across the state. We focus on delivering high quality solar solutions using proven components to provide peace of mind.

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